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使用以下链接下载 InLong。

2.0.0 release

InLong Source Code2.0.0October. 20, 2024[SRC] [ASC] [SHA512]
InLong Binary File2.0.0October. 20, 2024[BIN] [ASC] [SHA512]
Connector Binary File For Flink v1.132.0.0October. 20, 2024[BIN] [ASC] [SHA512]
Connector Binary File For Flink v1.152.0.0October. 20, 2024[BIN] [ASC] [SHA512]


您必须 验证 下载文件的完整性。 我们为每个发布文件提供 OpenPGP 签名。此签名应与包含 InLong 发布经理的 OpenPGP 密钥的 KEYS 文件匹配。 我们还为每个发布文件提供 SHA-512 校验和。下载文件后,您应该计算下载的校验和,并确保它与我们提供的相同。

版本 Notes


INLONG-10286[Improve][Agent] Update the MQTT Source
INLONG-10287[Improve][Agent] Update the Redis Source
INLONG-10288[Improve][Agent] Update the Oracle Source
INLONG-10289[Improve][Agent] Update the SQLServer Source
INLONG-10742[Improve][Agent] Set the formatting of unix timestamp for SQLServerSource as optional
INLONG-10749[Improve][Agent] Local DB instance records may leak
INLONG-10751[Improve][Agent] Agent needs to report process status for backend problem analysis
INLONG-10756[Improve][Agent] Report file metrics for backend problem analysis
INLONG-10761[Improve][Agent] Delete reader related code
INLONG-10770[Improve][Agent] Delete audit proxy configuration related code
INLONG-10889[Improve][Agent] When detecting oom, it is recommended to exit the process
INLONG-11135[Improve][Agent] Support filtering capability when supplementing data
INLONG-11145[Improve][Agent] Data supplementation needs optimization
INLONG-11179[Improve][Agent] Delete useless code
INLONG-11298[Improve][Agent] Pulsar source needs to do some exception handling
INLONG-11306[Improve][Agent] Modify the naming of variables in the redis source
INLONG-11327[Improve][Agent] No longer retrieve extend class from task configuration
INLONG-11333[Improve][Agent] Retrieve IP from configuration file during audit reporting
INLONG-11175[Bug][Agent] The current MqttSource solution may cause message loss


INLONG-10632[Feature][Dashboard] dashboard should support oceanbase
INLONG-10693[Improve][Dashboard] Added custom ASCII code option for source data field separator
INLONG-10779[Improve][Dashboard] Data synchronization adds offline synchronization configuration
INLONG-10783[Improve][Dashboard] Add enableCreateResource field to all sinks
INLONG-10787[Improve][Dashboard] Update missing i18n item
INLONG-10839[Improve][Dashboard] Data preview style structure modification
INLONG-10844[Improve][Dashboard] Resource details page sort information interface switch
INLONG-10846[Improve][Dashboard] Add cluster name to data source information display
INLONG-10847[Improve][Dashboard] Cluster node management adds heartbeat display page
INLONG-10910[Improve][Dashboard] Sort info Modify some field names
INLONG-11178[Improve][Dashboard] Added http sink and http node
INLONG-11183[Improve][Dashboard] Module audit page indicator items are merged with other items
INLONG-11197[Improve][Dashboard] Add delete button to cluster management and template management
INLONG-11204[Improve][Dashboard] agent node hidden port number
INLONG-11210[Improve][Dashboard] Version management removes related interface calls and adds default values
INLONG-10572[Bug][Dashboard] The Approvals page appears "Something went wrong"
INLONG-10947[Bug][Dashboard] Modify field description missing for English locale
INLONG-10973[Bug][Dashboard] A wrong error occurs in data preview


INLONG-10703[Feature][Manager] Manager should support oceanbase
INLONG-10723[Improve][Manager] Update base64 encoder
INLONG-10758[Improve][Manager] Support obtaining serialization configuration when wrapType is raw
INLONG-10834[Improve][Manager] Standalone configuration supports Tube MQ
INLONG-10856[Improve][Manager] Support agent installation logs
INLONG-10884[Improve][Manager] Support configuring HTTP type sink
INLONG-10907[Improve][Manager] Support reinstalling the installer
INLONG-10911[Improve][Manager] Support pagination to query sort task details information
INLONG-10931[Improve][Manager] Data preview supports data containing escape characters
INLONG-10954[Improve][Manager] Support fields of timestamptz type
INLONG-10977[Improve][Manager] Data preview supports escaping for KV data type
INLONG-10988[Improve][Manager] Data preview filters data in tubes based on streamId
INLONG-11089[Improve][Manager] Optimize Sort filter function
INLONG-11091[Improve][Manager] Manager supports in filter function configuration
INLONG-11103[Improve][Manager] Data add task supports filtering based on stream
INLONG-11157[Improve][Manager] Asynchronous processing agent installation
INLONG-11195[Improve][Manager] It is not allowed to modify group information when ordinary users are not responsible
INLONG-11313[Improve][Manager] Dataproxy cluster increases maximum packet length configuration
INLONG-11323[Improve][Manager] Modify the parameters of the data add tasks for file collection
INLONG-11335[Improve][Manager] Move maxPacketLength to the DataProxyNodeResponse
INLONG-10730[Bug][Manager] Auto-assign wrong Sortstandalone cluster when no cluster is under the tag
INLONG-10754[Bug][Manager] Offline data sync may create too many scheduling instances at the start point
INLONG-10763[Bug][Manager] Exception occurs when get or update offline sync group information
INLONG-10842[Bug][Manager] Tube cluster address not obtained when obtaining consumer group information
INLONG-10918[Bug][Manager] The correct command was not used when reinstalling the installer
INLONG-10921[Bug][Manager] Task configuration not deleted when deleting streamSource
INLONG-10975[Bug][Manager] When saving the group, only the existence of the groupid under the current tenant was verified
INLONG-10997[Bug][Manager] Incorrect setting of transformSQL in dataflowconfig
INLONG-11071[Bug][Manager] Failed to handle request on inlong_agent_system by admin
INLONG-11095[Bug][Manager]Data preview field misalignment
INLONG-11142[Bug][Manager] Data add task not scheduled for cleaning
INLONG-11150[Bug][Manager] Incorrect setting of sorTaskName for sink
INLONG-11153[Bug][Manager] HTTP sink does not automatically allocate sort cluster
INLONG-11163[Bug][Manager] Adding dataaddtask failed
INLONG-11307[Bug][Manager] Unable to obtain extparams from multiple data sources


INLONG-10119[Feature][SDK] Supporting Data Sharding with GroupBy Semantics
INLONG-10128[Feature][SDK] Support to parse Map node in JSON or PB protocol data
INLONG-10464[Feature][SDK] InlongSDK support retry sending when failed
INLONG-10613[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support arithmetic functions(Including ceil, floor, sin and sinh)
INLONG-10618[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support common functions(Including substring, locate, to_date and date_format)
INLONG-10764[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support temporal functions(Including year, quarter, month, week, dayofyear and dayofmonth)
INLONG-10767[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support temporal functions(Including hour, minute and second)
INLONG-10781[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support temporal functions(Including form_unixtime, unix_timestamp and to_timestamp)
INLONG-10803[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support Round function
INLONG-10813[Feature][SDK] Transform support cos function
INLONG-10816[Feature][SDK] Transform support Replace function
INLONG-10819[Feature][SDK] Transform support tan function
INLONG-10823[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support Reverse function
INLONG-10826[Feature][SDK] Transform support TRIM(), REPLICATE() function
INLONG-10833[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports parsing of Mod methods and % expressions
INLONG-10841[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports toBase64 function
INLONG-10859[Feature][SDK] Transform support factorial function
INLONG-10864[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support md5 function
INLONG-10866[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support sign function
INLONG-10867[Feature][SDK] Transform support BETWEEN AND operator
INLONG-10869[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports case conversion of strings
INLONG-10876[Feature][SDK] Transform support RAND() function
INLONG-10879[Feature][SDK] Transform support TIMESTAMPADD() function
INLONG-10881[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support Concat_ws function
INLONG-10882[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support ASCII function
INLONG-10883[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support InitCap function
INLONG-10886[Feature][SDK] Transform support ACOS function
INLONG-10893[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support FromBase64 function
INLONG-10897[Feature][SDK] Transform support DATEDIFF function
INLONG-10901[Feature][SDK] Transform support BIN(integer) function
INLONG-10902[Feature][SDK] Transform support HEX(numeric or string) function
INLONG-10905[Feature][SDK] Transform support Length() function
INLONG-10906[Feature][SDK] Transform supports the truncation of left and right strings
INLONG-10920[Feature][SDK] Transform support LocalTime function
INLONG-10927[Feature][SDK] Transform supports padding of left and right strings
INLONG-10929[Feature][SDK] Support Inlong Transform function annotation
INLONG-10930[Feature][SDK] Transform support DAYOFWEEK function
INLONG-10934[Feature][SDK] Transform support LocalDate function
INLONG-10935[Feature][SDK] Transform support DAYNAME function
INLONG-10938[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports fuzzy matching of LIKE and NOT LIKE
INLONG-10939[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports STRCMP function
INLONG-10940[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support arithmetic functions(Including cot, tanh, cosh, asin, atan and atan2)
INLONG-10942[Feature][SDK] Add official function names for all Transform functions
INLONG-10944[Feature][SDK] Support Inlong Transform parser annotation
INLONG-10946[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports SPACE function
INLONG-10952[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports DATE_SUB function
INLONG-10953[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports DATE_ADD function
INLONG-10956[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports SHA encryption algorithm
INLONG-10959[Feature][SDK] Transform support IFNULL function
INLONG-10962[Feature][SDK] Transform JSON Source Support Multi-Dimensional Array
INLONG-10963[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support CONTAINS function.
INLONG-10965[Feature][SDK] Transform support Bitwise operation
INLONG-10966[Feature][SDK] Fix HexFunction set the Java keyword 'public'
INLONG-10968[Feature][SDK] Support Inlong Transform operator annotation
INLONG-10971[Feature][SDK] Transform support INSERT function
INLONG-10979[Feature][SDK] Transform support PI() function
INLONG-10980[Feature][SDK] Transform support STRCMP(str1, str2) function
INLONG-10984[Feature][SDK] Transform support RADIANS(x) function
INLONG-10986[Feature][SDK] Transform support REGEXP_MATCHES(str, pattern) function
INLONG-10991[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports SHA encryption algorithm
INLONG-10995[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support Chr function
INLONG-10999[Feature][SDK] Support to return raw data by star sign in transformer SQL
INLONG-11000[Feature][SDK] Add XML formatted data source for Transform
INLONG-11005[Feature][SDK] Add YAML formatted data source for Transform
INLONG-11007[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support INSTR function.
INLONG-11008[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support PRINTF function.
INLONG-11010[Feature][SDK] Transform refactor unit test structure
INLONG-11012[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports LCASE and UCASE Functions
INLONG-11017[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports RTRIM and LTRIM Functions
INLONG-11018[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports COMPRESS and UNCOMPRESS Functions
INLONG-11019[Feature][SDK] Optimize the mapping strategy of TransformSQL select field list, allowing the order of select field list and sink field list to be inconsistent
INLONG-11020[Feature][SDK] Add BSON formatted data source for Transform
INLONG-11022[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support ParseUrl function
INLONG-11025[Feature][SDK] Delete the integration test class for the test cases of Transform
INLONG-11028[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support UrlEncode & UrlDecode functions
INLONG-11029[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support StartsWith & EndsWith functions
INLONG-11030[Feature][SDK] Add AVRO formatted data source for Transform
INLONG-11033[Feature][SDK] Transform support TRANSLATE(string text, from text, to text) function
INLONG-11034[Feature][SDK] Transform support UUID() function
INLONG-11035[Feature][SDK] Transform support TRUNCATE(numeric1, integer2) function
INLONG-11036[Feature][SDK] Transform update ReplicateFunction
INLONG-11037[Feature][SDK] Transform support ENCODE() and DECODE() function
INLONG-11042[Feature][SDK] Transform refactor function package
INLONG-11044[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports string judgment functions (IS_ALPHA、IS_DECIMAL、IS_DIGIT)
INLONG-11045[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports the conversion between characters and ASCII
INLONG-11046[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports STARTSWITH and ENDSWITH Functions
INLONG-11047[Feature][SDK] Add NP check and parameter judgment to the Replicate function
INLONG-11049[Feature][SDK] Standardize existing functions
INLONG-11050[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports bit_length Function
INLONG-11053[Feature][SDK] Transform support SPLIT_INDEX function
INLONG-11056[Feature][SDK] Transform support RAND_INTEGER() function
INLONG-11057[Feature][SDK] Transform support E() function
INLONG-11058[Feature][SDK] Transform support REGEXP_REPLACE() function
INLONG-11059[Feature][SDK] Transform support REGEXP() function
INLONG-11060[Feature][SDK] Transform support REGEXP_...() related functions
INLONG-11064[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports NULLIF function
INLONG-11079[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports DATE_ADD function
INLONG-11080[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports DATE_SUB function
INLONG-11081[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports INTERVAL parse
INLONG-11092[Feature][SDK] Fix the issue of inconsistent capitalization of Function names in FunctionalTools
INLONG-11107[Feature][SDK] Avro Source Data Support Map Type
INLONG-11109[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports parsing of IS
INLONG-11112[Feature][SDK] Transform TRUNCATE() function add pgsql name
INLONG-11114[Feature][SDK] Transform support Trigonometric function in units of degrees
INLONG-11115[Feature][SDK] Transform support computes different types hash
INLONG-11117[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports ISNULL functions
INLONG-11121[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports gcd functions
INLONG-11122[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports UNHEX function
INLONG-11123[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports conv function
INLONG-11124[Feature][SDK] Transform fix ENCODE() and DECODE() function
INLONG-11125[Feature][SDK] Transform OperatorTools support parseBytes
INLONG-11132[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL support parsing SIMILAR TO
INLONG-11134[Feature][SDK] Add Parquet formatted data source for Transform
INLONG-11138[Feature][SDK] Add ORC formatted data source for Transform
INLONG-11139[Feature][SDK] Transform support Not Between And operator
INLONG-11147[Feature][SDK] Transform support CASE Operator
INLONG-11152[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports TIMESTAMPDIFF function
INLONG-11154[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports TIMESTAMP function
INLONG-11167[Feature][SDK] Transform REGEXP function add usage of regexp_like
INLONG-11168[Feature][SDK] Transform support REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_ARRAY() function
INLONG-11172[Feature][SDK] Fix bug in Transform REGEXP_MATCHES() function
INLONG-11192[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports TIMEDIFF function
INLONG-11207[Feature][SDK] Transform support IN and NOT IN expression
INLONG-11208[Feature][SDK] Transform support EXISTS() operator
INLONG-11209[Feature][SDK] Transform TRIM() function add usage of BTRIM()
INLONG-11216[Feature][SDK] Transform support STR_TO_MAP() function
INLONG-11217[Feature][SDK] Transform support JSON_QUOTE() and JSON_UNQUOTE() function
INLONG-11218[Feature][SDK] Transform support CONVERT_TZ() function
INLONG-11219[Feature][SDK] Transform support COALESCE() function
INLONG-11220[Feature][SDK] Transform support GREATEST() and LEAST() function
INLONG-11221[Feature][SDK] Transform support JSON_EXISTS() function
INLONG-11222[Feature][SDK] Transform support JSON_STRING() function
INLONG-11223[Feature][SDK] Transform support JSON_VALUE() function
INLONG-11224[Feature][SDK] Transform support JSON_QUERY() function
INLONG-11225[Feature][SDK] Transform support JSON_ARRAY() function
INLONG-11226[Feature][SDK] Transform support parse IS DISTINCT FROM
INLONG-11227[Feature][SDK] Add Parquet formatted data sink for Transform
INLONG-11229[Feature][SDK] Transform Support ELT Function
INLONG-11230[Feature][SDK] Transform Support TO_TIMESTAMP_LTZ Function
INLONG-11233[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports mid function
INLONG-11235[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports SUBSTRING_INDEX function
INLONG-11236[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports FIND_IN_SET function
INLONG-11237[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports CHAR_LENGTH function
INLONG-11238[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports FORMAT function
INLONG-11239[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports INSTR function
INLONG-11240[Feature][SDK] Transform LENGTH() function add flinksql usage
INLONG-11241[Feature][SDK] Transform support ARRAY() function
INLONG-11242[Feature][SDK] Transform support MAP() function
INLONG-11252[Feature][SDK] Transform support PB sink data
INLONG-11259[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports "IS [NOT] DISTINCT" parsing
INLONG-11260[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports "num_nonnulls" and "num_nulls" function
INLONG-11261[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports "cbrt" function
INLONG-11262[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports "erf" and "erfc" function
INLONG-11263[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports "lcm" function
INLONG-11264[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports functions related to scale
INLONG-11265[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports "trunc" function
INLONG-11282[Feature][SDK] Transform enhance Array-related Collection Functions
INLONG-11283[Feature][SDK]Transform enhance Map-related Collection Functions
INLONG-11300[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports "JSON_ARRAY_APPEND" function
INLONG-11301[Feature][SDK] Transform SQL supports "JSON_ARRAY_INSERT" function
INLONG-11337[Feature][SDK] Transform refactor InitCap functions' package
INLONG-10463[Improve][SDK] Optimization of ultra-long field processing in InlongSDK
INLONG-10652[Improve][SDK] Inlong Transform support for generics
INLONG-10684[Improve][SDK] Inlong transform supports context
INLONG-10706[Improve][SDK]Shaded Native Library to reduce conflicts with other sdk
INLONG-10736[Improve][SDK] Python dataproxy sdk build script support for skipping c++ dataproxy sdk build step
INLONG-10774[Improve][SDK] Optimize Cmake compilation script for CPP DataProxy SDK
INLONG-10780[Improve][SDK] Optimize memory management for DataProxy CPP SDK
INLONG-10789[Improve][SDK] Update build script for python dataproxy sdk
INLONG-10793[Improve][SDK] Added metric management for DataProxy CPP SDK
INLONG-10806[Improve][SDK] Optimize python dataproxy sdk build script
INLONG-10809[Improve][SDK] Improvements to TypeConverter field types and CompareValue in OperatorTools
INLONG-10821[Improve][SDK] Optimize the ability to receive data for DataProxy C++ SDK
INLONG-10822[Improve][SDK] Add message manager for DataProxy C++ SDK
INLONG-10838[Improve][SDK] Optimize the ability to send data for DataProxy C++ SDK
INLONG-10851[Improve][SDK] Support multiple protocols for DataProxy C++ SDK
INLONG-10861[Improve][SDK] Optimize the coredump caused by the DataProxy C++ SDK
INLONG-10872[Improve][SDK] Enhance Test Coverage with Additional Complex Json Test Cases
INLONG-10894[Improve][SDK] Remove useless interfaces exposed in pybind binding code
INLONG-10913[Improve][SDK] Add requirements.txt and auto delete pybind directory when build failed in python sdk
INLONG-10957[Improve][SDK] Improve some code structures
INLONG-10982[Improve][SDK] Improve the test code structure
INLONG-11074[Improve][SDK] Transform support dummy select when the transform sql is empty
INLONG-11087[Improve][SDK] Fix potential null pointer exception of transform SDK
INLONG-11097[Improve][SDK] Optimize logs of the transform SDK
INLONG-11156[Improve][SDK] SortSDK support that the token configuration of pulsar cluster is null
INLONG-11190[Improve][SDK] Optimize Transform SDK Translate Function
INLONG-11202[Improve][SDK] Optimize the code related to the date type in Transform
INLONG-11214[Improve][SDK] Modify the problem of incomplete division in DivisionParser
INLONG-11243[Improve][SDK] Enhance the functionality of the substring function in Transform SQL
INLONG-11325[Improve][SDK] DataProxy SDK updates metadata causing temporary unavailability of sent data
INLONG-10776[Bug][SDK] The parsing type of the first parameter(timestamp) in DateFormatFunction is not correct
INLONG-10811[Bug][SDK] Python dataproxy sdk callback function call leads to coredump
INLONG-11105[Bug][SDK] The empty string is converted into a "null"
INLONG-11110[Bug][SDK] Fix incorrect usage of isLocalVisit variable in client example of dataproxy-sdk module
INLONG-11161[Bug][SDK] Fix TransformSDK UT bug of TestAdditionParser and TestSubtractionParser


INLONG-7056[Feature][Sort] Adjust sort resources according to data scale
INLONG-9487[Feature][Sort] Pulsar connector support process time meta field
INLONG-10644[Feature][Sort] The base common of elasticsearch connector is neccessary.
INLONG-10704[Feature][Sort] sort should support oceanbase
INLONG-10720[Feature][Sort] Add Elasticsearch6 connector on Flink 1.18
INLONG-10721[Feature][Sort] Add Elasticsearch7 connector on Flink 1.18
INLONG-10729[Feature][Sort] Sorstandalone EsSink support transform
INLONG-10739[Feature][Sort]The base common of elasticsearch connector on flink 1.15 is neccessary
INLONG-10768[Feature][Sort] Csv utils support specified the max split field size
INLONG-10791[Feature][Sort] Support inlong dirty sink
INLONG-10828[Feature][Sort] Add config class of SortStandalone to support HTTP report
INLONG-10831[Feature][Sort] SortStandalone support HTTP sink
INLONG-11065[Feature][Sort] Provides a method to add openTelemetryAppender for the sort connector
INLONG-11129[Feature][Sort] Enhanced source metric instrumentation for InLong Sort Flink Connector
INLONG-11188[Feature][Sort] HTTP SortStandalone supports batch sorting capability
INLONG-11199[Feature][Sort] Integrate log management systems for connectors
INLONG-11201[Feature][Sort] Enhanced sink metric instrumentation for InLong Sort Flink Connector
INLONG-10773[Improve][Sort] The format-base module can't compile on flink 1.18 env
INLONG-10784[Improve][Sort] The format-row module and format-rowdata have same package structure.
INLONG-11068[Improve][Sort] Optimize kafka producer parameters
INLONG-11072[Improve][Sort] Optimize EsSink when transform processor is null
INLONG-11076[Improve][Sort] Discard unretryable exception when send kafka failed
INLONG-11266[Improve][Sort] Add end-to-end test case for sort-connector-pulsar-v1.15
INLONG-10719[Bug]During the execution of the InLong Sort-Oracle-CDC task, the Extract node generates a large number of archive logs, and the Load node fails to capture incremental change data.
INLONG-11100[Bug][Sort] The buffer queue is not released after sending messages to elasticsearch
INLONG-11148[Bug][Sort] Log4j2 configuration of sort-end-to-end-test-v1.15 not working properly
INLONG-11166[Bug][Sort] Mongodb2StarRocksTest failure due to potential dependency conflicts


INLONG-10728[Improve][Audit] Add global memory control for the Audit SDK
INLONG-10745[Improve][Audit] Unify the range of audit aggregation intervals
INLONG-10799[Improve][Audit] Support fork child process for DataProxy CPP SDK
INLONG-11286[Improve][Audit] Optimize the statistics of daily Audit data
INLONG-11315[Improve][Audit] Resolve the conflict between the Audit SDK and other components' Protobuf versions
INLONG-11330[Improve][Audit] Audit SDK supports custom setting of local IP